What future bride doesn’t think about getting hott and in shape pre-wed? Planning, stressing, and fasting can take a major toll on the mind and body. In the midst of all of the hustle and bustle…take a breath….and take some YOU time. Consider getting involved with a fun dance class for exercise. Try to combine spirituality, meditation, and exercise in one. This will help release some stressors, and will also add some culture to your life. New disciplines help one become grounded – and exercise help one become a sexy fox!
Research the following. You may find a practice that you fall in love with and want to continue for life! C’mon…it’ll be fun!
5 Rythyms: Incorporates different types of music related to the rythyms. Flowing, staccato, lyrical, chaos and stillness. As Kelly says "We danced the rhythms and each one represents a different wave. Flowing is circular movements, birth, like a river flowing and meandering. Staccato is sharp and angular movements. Lyrical is joyful like a child, Chaos is letting go completely, anger, power, strength, surrender and Stillness is death, peace, finding that stillness inside."
African Dance: The mood of the African people are expressed by the sound and rythym of the drum. The drum is to evok emotions to touch the heart and souls of those who hear the rhythyms.
Yoga: The majority of practitioners of yoga outside India are primarily interested in improving health and fitness. The ultimate goals may range from reaching Moksha to physical immortality.
Tai Chi: Is classified as Wudangquan or a Chinese martial art. You may have seen this practice in parks by people in a group moving in slow motion - Matrix style! This is used for health and longevity.
Belly Dancing: Origionated in the Eastern countries. Meditation and seductive moves are sure to turn your man on.
Ballet: So Beautiful and graceful!
Nataraj Meditation: is the dancing posture of the Hindu god Shiva, who performs his divine dance as a part of his activities of creation and destruction. I bet Shiva was pretty fiesty...
Meditation: Esacpe from life for a second. Meditation has many health benefits and helps one connect with inner soul. Start with 5-10 minutes a day. Click here now for a free vaction get-a-way from it all. Pretty good deal huh? You can also learn more about the practice from Osho.
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